Saturday, September 13, 2008

Obama should dismiss McCain.

John McCain has resorted to shouting lies and running behind Mama Palin's skirts and hiding.

This is a curious Presidential posture.

I wonder will he take this war plan with him to the White house. When the Russian bear growls, will he do the same? McCain has abdicated his leadership role for the role of a bad child hiding behind his mother.

For the life of me, I can only come-up with one other example of this occurring in recent politics.

That would be the subordination of Bush to Cheney, even there Bush managed to maintain a certain amount of dignity and self respect.

Apparently McCain has learned almost everything Bush knows about being President and is now ready to take over the Oval Office.

If Obama wishes to win, he need only dismiss McCain with the derision he deserves for his childish behavior.

Go after the leader of this candidacy with focus, and never allow McCain out from beneath her skirts. If he wishes to hide, help him with the task. Show him for what he has become, an ill mannered and self centered brat, spoiled rotten to the core.

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